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Quick Guide to the 2320 Knee Stabilizer

Assessment Checklist: Is there frequent pain in the knee joint? Is there stiffness after waking or prolonged sitting? Are there grinding or popping sensations when moving the knee? If these symptoms are present, 2320 Knee Stabilizer is recommended for early action.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsDOeId9Eto


Low back pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by discomfort or pain in the lower back area, which can range from mild to severe. Low back pain can occur due to a variety of reasons including muscle strain, poor posture, herniated discs, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. It is one of the leading causes of disability and can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

Early Action Matters for Knee Osteoarthritis: 2320 KNEE STABILIZER and 2935 OPPO GENU X

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a chronic degenerative disease that significantly impacts physical health and quality of life. It often manifests with persistent knee joint pain, stiffness after rest, swelling, and limitations in joint movement, which can hinder daily activities and lead to sleep disturbances and psychological stress. As the disease progresses, functional impairment may escalate, affecting work, home life, and social interactions, potentially leading to disability.  Early intervention is critical as it allows for effective symptom management, slows disease progression, and reduces the likelihood of needing invasive treatments like joint replacement surgery. Timely treatment not only improves quality of life by preserving joint function and reducing pain but also proves cost-effective by minimizing long-term healthcare expenses.

Common Thumb Pain: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

What is de Quervain's tenosynovitis ? De Quervain's tenosynovitis is a painful condition that involves the swelling and thickening of the tendon sheaths around the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons, which run along the thumb side of the wrist and attach to the base of the thumb. The thickening and swelling of these sheaths cause entrapment of the tendons, resulting in inflammation and pressure on nearby nerves, leading to pain and numbness. This condition is typically caused by repetitive hand and wrist movements or overuse and is exacerbated by thumb movement and radial and ulnar deviation of the wrist. (Koehl, 2022; Allbrook, 2019)

The Most Common Musculoskeletal Problem: Low Back Pain LBP

Low back pain (LBP) is a common condition with about 80% of the population experiencing at least a single episode during their lifetime. (Rubin, 2007) It is the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence (Deyo, 1991) and one of the most common reasons for healthcare visits and missed workdays. Low back pain is a symptom, not a disease; it can result from several different known or unknown abnormalities or diseases. It is defined by the location of pain, typically between the lower rib margins and the buttock creases. (Dionne, 2008) It is commonly accompanied by pain in one or both legs, and some people with low back pain have associated neurological symptoms in the lower limbs.

Spinal Stabilizer Series


It is estimated that up to 40% of knee injuries are caused by patellar problems, which disturb movement especially during squatting or descending stairs and cause serious anterior knee pain (Rothermich MA et al., 2015). Patellar tracking is guided mainly by the quadriceps and patellar tendon which presents the motion of the patella relative to the femur or femoral groove during knee flexion and extension. However, various forces on the connective tissues around the patella may cause tracking abnormalities, which are related to many disorders of the patellofemoral joint.

Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Girdle Pain

What is pelvic girdle pain? More than half of all pregnant women develop pelvic girdle pain during or after pregnancy and the prevalence of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) ranges from 23 to 65% [Albert, 2002; Robinson, 2010; Kovacs, 2012]. Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain is a condition that affects many pregnant women. It is characterized by pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, which is between the posterior iliac crest (inferior to L5) and the inferior gluteal folds, particularly near the sacroiliac joints, and pain may radiate in the posterior thigh and can occur in conjunction with or separate from pain in the symphysis [Vleeming, 2008]. Women with PGP often find it challenging to perform daily activities such as walking or climbing stairs, with 7 to 12.5% having to use crutches or a wheelchair [Ronchetti, 2008; Van, 2007; Robinson, 2006]. Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain is also a leading cause of sick leave during pregnancy [Malmqvist, 2015; Dorheim, 2013; ...

Kyphosis Brace: Non-surgical treatment for kyphosis

Symptoms and causes The mid (thoracic) spine naturally has some kyphosis or C-shaped curvature. A kyphotic spinal deformity means there is excessive forward curve in the spine resulting in a rounded or hunched/humped back appearance. Symptoms of kyphosis can range from unattractive posture, to pain, to severe problems of pressure on the lungs and abdomen. The pain occurs primarily in the area of the kyphosis. A severe curve can also begin to exert pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots, which may cause weakness in the lower extremities. Eventually there can be pressure on the lungs and abdomen, affecting breathing and appetite. People who suffer from kyphosis may feel ashamed or embarrassed about the effects of this condition on their appearance. Some may even become socially withdrawn or reluctant to take part in activities.

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